Shin Megami Tensei II


Shin Megami Tensei II immerses yourself in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity fights to survive among fierce demonic forces! Explore a dystopian Tokyo and recruit a variety of demons to fight at your side to forge your own destiny! I recommend to play the original Shin Megami Tensei first.

Shin Megami Tensei II
Genre JRPG
Console SNES | GBA | PSX |
iOS | Android
Released 1994
Publisher ATLUS
Language English | Spanish

The game comes with a patch that changes the stats color palette from a unreadable gray to a bright red. Trust me, it seems like a small thing but makes a big difference!

SNES Translation
Released 2004
Updated 2023
Author Orden
A Friendly Irin


You can install the game scanning the QR code below using FBI, or manually downloading it here.

The GBA and PSX versions are not currently available since they haven't been translated yet.